Photograph Enhancement and Full Restoration of Historic Images

We specialize in photograph enhancement and full restoration of historic Images

The image on the right is a example of a full restoration.

The photograph on the left was taken in 1954 of a open locket with a picture inside.

The image of Squire Pope was a photograph taken from an oil painted many years prior.

The photograph of the open locket was stuck to the glass of the display frame.

Typical scanning of the image was not possible. Instead of scanning, I photographed the image, still in the frame, and went to work.

It was a photograph of a photograph of a photograph, of an oil.

This restoration took hours. When complete, I added a slightly tinted textured background, descriptive text, a new background was and reprinted on Canvas, as an 8×10.

This is an extreme example of what can be done, but the time invested was well worth the results.

The original framed image, and the restoration are on display at the Heritage Library here on Hilton Head.